Monday, March 4, 2019

How Awful The Condition Of Plastic Waste Now


1.What is the impact of plastic waste against the ocean?

Over the past decade, divers and beach lovers have seen the big change in the oceans.
Even very remote locations any time has now been filled with plastic waste and other chemicals. The plastic enters the oceans at an alarming rate – up to 12 million tons per year. Large amounts of plastic waste has caused the biggest damage to the marine environment and the marine creatures such as sea turtles and sea birds, which unfortunately have been considered as plastic food.
The pollution of our seas has brought to the point of disaster, unless we make dramatic changes, then oceans, all its inhabitants, and even the human race will be in danger.

2.We need to stop the plastic waste

I am trying to convey the message out there to people from all over the world about how dangerous the pollution of the oceans, not only for marine life, but also for the human race.
There are many ways for you to make a difference! Of course we have to try all we can do as individuals to avoid disposable plastics: bring reusable bags when we go shopping, use a water bottle that can be reused, and reject straw and plastic packaging whenever you can. Those are the simple ones.

For those of you who are my fellow divers, if you are diving and see a piece of plastic float past you, why don’t you pick it up and put it in the pocket of the BCD (bouyancy compensator device)? Then, if you are walking along the beach and see some plastics on the sand, make sure to gather it and then throw it into the trash bin. By doing these little actions, you can save the lives of the creatures of the sea. Right?

We also need to take a step further, because the individual actions would never be enough to resolve the crisis of plastic waste unless companies stop producing many disposable plastic as the main thing.

3.How can we encourage companies to change?

In January, I read something in Wwf's blog and I was inspired to found some variety ways that I can help which is sending a message to each company to reduce their disposable plastic. I know it doesn't

One way which is interesting to me is the easiest way to do and perfect for the diving community or anyone who likes to spend time in nature. If you find a branded piece of plastic waste in the oceans, on the banks of the river or the beach, in the mountains or even in the side of the road, take a picture and upload it in social media, the brand mark, and use the hash tag #IsThisYours? This is one of the great ways to show their plastic trash company and provide some proofs that their packaging ends up where it is not supposed to be.

1 comment:

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