Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Easy Steps To Reduce Plastic Waste


Environment is a place where humans as well as plants and animals live. It is necessary to keep our environment clean because we get fresh air, reduce pollution etc So, if you want the next generation in the future enjoy their life with a healthier environment .
Then, you can simply start it by doing 3R in our life: reuse, recycle, and reduce. Why should we do that? For your information, the Importance of clean environment is to live healthy, wealthy, disease free and pollution free.
An unclean environment leads to a bad condition of a society, arrival of diseases and many more. At this moment, let me share some tips for you to do in order to support the cleanliness of environment.

1. Bring your own shopping bags everywhere

The easiest way you can do is to bring tote bags, or eco bags which could be carried everywhere. Especially, when you go shopping to the mini mart or supermarkets. By bringing your own shopping bags everywhere, no more piles of plastic bags pile up at home and thrown it away because it is not used.

2. Bring your own lunch box

Usually, when you buy food either at a fast-food restaurant or just somewhere to eat like warteg or other places. If you choose your food to be wrapped, you usually will be given a lot of plastic food-wrapped for you. Especially, if you buy food with different kinds of soups. It will be more and more plastic use to wrap.
If you are the type of person who prefer buying food than cooking your own food, then try to bring your own lunch box as a form of business to reduce the plastic waste. If that is so, you can just buy the food and put it into your own lunch box. So then, there will be less plastic-used for food.

3. Do not use the plastic straws to drink

The fact is there are a lot of restaurants mainly fast-food restaurant or tavern serve the drinks being poured to purchase bottle drinking because of the policies and regulations of the company. To make a change, it is as simple as asking to not get a straw with your beverage when you order one. It may not feel like you can save the planet on your own, but little habits like this help raise awareness and your influence can easily spread.
Last one, if you are not ready to give up on straws entirely, there are tons of options for reusable straws out there. Bamboo, stainless steel, paper, silicone, treated glass, etc. To sum up, if you want the future to be healthier, now is the time to give up on disposable straws forever. Finally, tell and ask your friends to do the same.

From the deepest part of my heart, I only want you as a reader to know that there are many ways for us to do against this problem. You can simply go get together with your friends and start convincing the local supermarket, restaurants and places where food or drink is already wrapped to get rid of plastic disposables with them. If this one sounds hard, then you can share your opinion through the internet, so that people can see what your opinion is about. Then maybe the day after you post your opinion, you will see what are citizen’s reactions to your opinion. Does it sound easy to do? Yes it does. We can do this together!

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